/*******************************************************************/ // FemtoRV32, a collection of minimalistic RISC-V RV32 cores. // This version: The "Quark", the most elementary version of FemtoRV32. // A single VERILOG file, compact & understandable code. // (200 lines of code, 400 lines counting comments) // // Instruction set: RV32I + RDCYCLES // // Parameters: // Reset address can be defined using RESET_ADDR (default is 0). // // The ADDR_WIDTH parameter lets you define the width of the internal // address bus (and address computation logic). // // Macros: // optionally one may define NRV_IS_IO_ADDR(addr), that is supposed to: // evaluate to 1 if addr is in mapped IO space, // evaluate to 0 otherwise // (additional wait states are used when in IO space). // If left undefined, wait states are always used. // // NRV_COUNTER_WIDTH may be defined to reduce the number of bits used // by the ticks counter. If not defined, a 32-bits counter is generated. // (reducing its width may be useful for space-constrained designs). // // Bruno Levy, Matthias Koch, 2020-2021 /*******************************************************************/ // Firmware generation flags for this processor `define NRV_ARCH "rv32i" `define NRV_ABI "ilp32" `define NRV_OPTIMIZE "-Os" module FemtoRV32( input clk, output [31:0] mem_addr, // address bus output [31:0] mem_wdata, // data to be written output [3:0] mem_wmask, // write mask for the 4 bytes of each word input [31:0] mem_rdata, // input lines for both data and instr output mem_rstrb, // active to initiate memory read (used by IO) input mem_rbusy, // asserted if memory is busy reading value input mem_wbusy, // asserted if memory is busy writing value input reset // set to 0 to reset the processor ); parameter RESET_ADDR = 32'h00000000; parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 24; /***************************************************************************/ // Instruction decoding. /***************************************************************************/ // Extracts rd,rs1,rs2,funct3,imm and opcode from instruction. // Reference: Table page 104 of: // https://content.riscv.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/riscv-spec-v2.2.pdf // The destination register wire [4:0] rdId = instr[11:7]; // The ALU function, decoded in 1-hot form (doing so reduces LUT count) // It is used as follows: funct3Is[val] <=> funct3 == val (* onehot *) wire [7:0] funct3Is = 8'b00000001 << instr[14:12]; // The five immediate formats, see RiscV reference (link above), Fig. 2.4 p. 12 wire [31:0] Uimm = { instr[31], instr[30:12], {12{1'b0}}}; wire [31:0] Iimm = {{21{instr[31]}}, instr[30:20]}; /* verilator lint_off UNUSED */ // MSBs of SBJimms are not used by addr adder. wire [31:0] Simm = {{21{instr[31]}}, instr[30:25],instr[11:7]}; wire [31:0] Bimm = {{20{instr[31]}}, instr[7],instr[30:25],instr[11:8],1'b0}; wire [31:0] Jimm = {{12{instr[31]}}, instr[19:12],instr[20],instr[30:21],1'b0}; /* verilator lint_on UNUSED */ // Base RISC-V (RV32I) has only 10 different instructions ! wire isLoad = (instr[6:2] == 5'b00000); // rd <- mem[rs1+Iimm] wire isALUimm = (instr[6:2] == 5'b00100); // rd <- rs1 OP Iimm wire isAUIPC = (instr[6:2] == 5'b00101); // rd <- PC + Uimm wire isStore = (instr[6:2] == 5'b01000); // mem[rs1+Simm] <- rs2 wire isALUreg = (instr[6:2] == 5'b01100); // rd <- rs1 OP rs2 wire isLUI = (instr[6:2] == 5'b01101); // rd <- Uimm wire isBranch = (instr[6:2] == 5'b11000); // if(rs1 OP rs2) PC<-PC+Bimm wire isJALR = (instr[6:2] == 5'b11001); // rd <- PC+4; PC<-rs1+Iimm wire isJAL = (instr[6:2] == 5'b11011); // rd <- PC+4; PC<-PC+Jimm wire isSYSTEM = (instr[6:2] == 5'b11100); // rd <- cycles wire isALU = isALUimm | isALUreg; /***************************************************************************/ // The register file. /***************************************************************************/ reg [31:0] rs1; reg [31:0] rs2; reg [31:0] registerFile [31:0]; always @(posedge clk) begin if (writeBack) if (rdId != 0) registerFile[rdId] <= writeBackData; end /***************************************************************************/ // The ALU. Does operations and tests combinatorially, except shifts. /***************************************************************************/ // First ALU source, always rs1 wire [31:0] aluIn1 = rs1; // Second ALU source, depends on opcode: // ALUreg, Branch: rs2 // ALUimm, Load, JALR: Iimm wire [31:0] aluIn2 = isALUreg | isBranch ? rs2 : Iimm; // The adder is used by both arithmetic instructions and JALR. wire [31:0] aluPlus = aluIn1 + aluIn2; // Use a single 33 bits subtract to do subtraction and all comparisons // (trick borrowed from swapforth/J1) wire [32:0] aluMinus = {1'b1, ~aluIn2} + {1'b0,aluIn1} + 33'b1; wire LT = (aluIn1[31] ^ aluIn2[31]) ? aluIn1[31] : aluMinus[32]; wire LTU = aluMinus[32]; wire EQ = (aluMinus[31:0] == 0); /***************************************************************************/ // Use the same shifter both for left and right shifts by // applying bit reversal wire [31:0] shifter_in = funct3Is[1] ? {aluIn1[ 0], aluIn1[ 1], aluIn1[ 2], aluIn1[ 3], aluIn1[ 4], aluIn1[ 5], aluIn1[ 6], aluIn1[ 7], aluIn1[ 8], aluIn1[ 9], aluIn1[10], aluIn1[11], aluIn1[12], aluIn1[13], aluIn1[14], aluIn1[15], aluIn1[16], aluIn1[17], aluIn1[18], aluIn1[19], aluIn1[20], aluIn1[21], aluIn1[22], aluIn1[23], aluIn1[24], aluIn1[25], aluIn1[26], aluIn1[27], aluIn1[28], aluIn1[29], aluIn1[30], aluIn1[31]} : aluIn1; /* verilator lint_off WIDTH */ wire [31:0] shifter = $signed({instr[30] & aluIn1[31], shifter_in}) >>> aluIn2[4:0]; /* verilator lint_on WIDTH */ wire [31:0] leftshift = { shifter[ 0], shifter[ 1], shifter[ 2], shifter[ 3], shifter[ 4], shifter[ 5], shifter[ 6], shifter[ 7], shifter[ 8], shifter[ 9], shifter[10], shifter[11], shifter[12], shifter[13], shifter[14], shifter[15], shifter[16], shifter[17], shifter[18], shifter[19], shifter[20], shifter[21], shifter[22], shifter[23], shifter[24], shifter[25], shifter[26], shifter[27], shifter[28], shifter[29], shifter[30], shifter[31]}; /***************************************************************************/ // Notes: // - instr[30] is 1 for SUB and 0 for ADD // - for SUB, need to test also instr[5] to discriminate ADDI: // (1 for ADD/SUB, 0 for ADDI, and Iimm used by ADDI overlaps bit 30 !) // - instr[30] is 1 for SRA (do sign extension) and 0 for SRL wire [31:0] aluOut = (funct3Is[0] ? instr[30] & instr[5] ? aluMinus[31:0] : aluPlus : 32'b0) | (funct3Is[1] ? leftshift : 32'b0) | (funct3Is[2] ? {31'b0, LT} : 32'b0) | (funct3Is[3] ? {31'b0, LTU} : 32'b0) | (funct3Is[4] ? aluIn1 ^ aluIn2 : 32'b0) | (funct3Is[5] ? shifter : 32'b0) | (funct3Is[6] ? aluIn1 | aluIn2 : 32'b0) | (funct3Is[7] ? aluIn1 & aluIn2 : 32'b0) ; /***************************************************************************/ // The predicate for conditional branches. /***************************************************************************/ wire predicate = funct3Is[0] & EQ | // BEQ funct3Is[1] & !EQ | // BNE funct3Is[4] & LT | // BLT funct3Is[5] & !LT | // BGE funct3Is[6] & LTU | // BLTU funct3Is[7] & !LTU ; // BGEU /***************************************************************************/ // Program counter and branch target computation. /***************************************************************************/ reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] PC; // The program counter. reg [31:2] instr; // Latched instruction. Note that bits 0 and 1 are // ignored (not used in RV32I base instr set). wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] PCplus4 = PC + 4; // An adder used to compute branch address, JAL address and AUIPC. // branch->PC+Bimm AUIPC->PC+Uimm JAL->PC+Jimm // Equivalent to PCplusImm = PC + (isJAL ? Jimm : isAUIPC ? Uimm : Bimm) wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] PCplusImm = PC + ( instr[3] ? Jimm[ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] : instr[4] ? Uimm[ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] : Bimm[ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] ); // A separate adder to compute the destination of load/store. // testing instr[5] is equivalent to testing isStore in this context. wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] loadstore_addr = rs1[ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] + (instr[5] ? Simm[ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] : Iimm[ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]); /* verilator lint_off WIDTH */ // internal address registers and cycles counter may have less than // 32 bits, so we deactivate width test for mem_addr and writeBackData wire [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] PC_new = isJALR ? {aluPlus[ADDR_WIDTH-1:1],1'b0} : jumpToPCplusImm ? PCplusImm : PCplus4; assign mem_addr = state[WAIT_INSTR_bit] | state[FETCH_INSTR_bit] ? PC : state[EXECUTE_bit] & ~isLoad & ~isStore ? PC_new : loadstore_addr ; /***************************************************************************/ // The value written back to the register file. /***************************************************************************/ wire [31:0] writeBackData = (isSYSTEM ? cycles : 32'b0) | // SYSTEM (isLUI ? Uimm : 32'b0) | // LUI (isALU ? aluOut : 32'b0) | // ALUreg, ALUimm (isAUIPC ? PCplusImm : 32'b0) | // AUIPC (isJALR | isJAL ? PCplus4 : 32'b0) | // JAL, JALR (isLoad ? LOAD_data : 32'b0) ; // Load /* verilator lint_on WIDTH */ /***************************************************************************/ // LOAD/STORE /***************************************************************************/ // All memory accesses are aligned on 32 bits boundary. For this // reason, we need some circuitry that does unaligned halfword // and byte load/store, based on: // - funct3[1:0]: 00->byte 01->halfword 10->word // - mem_addr[1:0]: indicates which byte/halfword is accessed wire mem_byteAccess = instr[13:12] == 2'b00; // funct3[1:0] == 2'b00; wire mem_halfwordAccess = instr[13:12] == 2'b01; // funct3[1:0] == 2'b01; // LOAD, in addition to funct3[1:0], LOAD depends on: // - funct3[2] (instr[14]): 0->do sign expansion 1->no sign expansion wire LOAD_sign = !instr[14] & (mem_byteAccess ? LOAD_byte[7] : LOAD_halfword[15]); wire [31:0] LOAD_data = mem_byteAccess ? {{24{LOAD_sign}}, LOAD_byte} : mem_halfwordAccess ? {{16{LOAD_sign}}, LOAD_halfword} : mem_rdata ; wire [15:0] LOAD_halfword = loadstore_addr[1] ? mem_rdata[31:16] : mem_rdata[15:0]; wire [7:0] LOAD_byte = loadstore_addr[0] ? LOAD_halfword[15:8] : LOAD_halfword[7:0]; // STORE assign mem_wdata[ 7: 0] = rs2[7:0]; assign mem_wdata[15: 8] = loadstore_addr[0] ? rs2[7:0] : rs2[15: 8]; assign mem_wdata[23:16] = loadstore_addr[1] ? rs2[7:0] : rs2[23:16]; assign mem_wdata[31:24] = loadstore_addr[0] ? rs2[7:0] : loadstore_addr[1] ? rs2[15:8] : rs2[31:24]; // The memory write mask: // 1111 if writing a word // 0011 or 1100 if writing a halfword // (depending on loadstore_addr[1]) // 0001, 0010, 0100 or 1000 if writing a byte // (depending on loadstore_addr[1:0]) wire [3:0] STORE_wmask = mem_byteAccess ? (loadstore_addr[1] ? (loadstore_addr[0] ? 4'b1000 : 4'b0100) : (loadstore_addr[0] ? 4'b0010 : 4'b0001) ) : mem_halfwordAccess ? (loadstore_addr[1] ? 4'b1100 : 4'b0011) : 4'b1111; /*************************************************************************/ // And, last but not least, the state machine. /*************************************************************************/ localparam FETCH_INSTR_bit = 0; localparam WAIT_INSTR_bit = 1; localparam EXECUTE_bit = 2; localparam WAIT_ALU_OR_MEM_bit = 3; localparam NB_STATES = 4; localparam FETCH_INSTR = 1 << FETCH_INSTR_bit; localparam WAIT_INSTR = 1 << WAIT_INSTR_bit; localparam EXECUTE = 1 << EXECUTE_bit; localparam WAIT_ALU_OR_MEM = 1 << WAIT_ALU_OR_MEM_bit; (* onehot *) reg [NB_STATES-1:0] state; // The signals (internal and external) that are determined // combinatorially from state and other signals. // register write-back enable. wire writeBack = ~(isBranch | isStore ) & (state[EXECUTE_bit] | state[WAIT_ALU_OR_MEM_bit]); // The memory-read signal. assign mem_rstrb = state[EXECUTE_bit] & ~isStore | state[FETCH_INSTR_bit]; // The mask for memory-write. assign mem_wmask = {4{state[EXECUTE_bit] & isStore}} & STORE_wmask; wire jumpToPCplusImm = isJAL | (isBranch & predicate); `ifdef NRV_IS_IO_ADDR wire needToWait = isLoad | isStore & `NRV_IS_IO_ADDR(mem_addr) ; `else wire needToWait = isLoad | isStore ; `endif always @(posedge clk) begin if(!reset) begin state <= WAIT_ALU_OR_MEM; // Just waiting for !mem_wbusy PC <= RESET_ADDR[ADDR_WIDTH-1:0]; end else // See note [1] at the end of this file. (* parallel_case *) case(1'b1) state[WAIT_INSTR_bit]: begin if(!mem_rbusy) begin // may be high when executing from SPI flash rs1 <= registerFile[mem_rdata[19:15]]; rs2 <= registerFile[mem_rdata[24:20]]; instr <= mem_rdata[31:2]; // Bits 0 and 1 are ignored (see state <= EXECUTE; // also the declaration of instr). end end state[EXECUTE_bit]: begin PC <= PC_new; state <= needToWait ? WAIT_ALU_OR_MEM : WAIT_INSTR; end state[WAIT_ALU_OR_MEM_bit]: begin if(!mem_rbusy & !mem_wbusy) state <= FETCH_INSTR; end default: begin // FETCH_INSTR state <= WAIT_INSTR; end endcase end /***************************************************************************/ // Cycle counter /***************************************************************************/ `ifdef NRV_COUNTER_WIDTH reg [`NRV_COUNTER_WIDTH-1:0] cycles; `else reg [31:0] cycles; `endif always @(posedge clk) cycles <= cycles + 1; `ifdef BENCH initial begin cycles = 0; registerFile[0] = 0; end `endif endmodule /*****************************************************************************/ // Notes: // // [1] About the "reverse case" statement, also used in Claire Wolf's picorv32: // It is just a cleaner way of writing a series of cascaded if() statements, // To understand it, think about the case statement *in general* as follows: // case (expr) // val_1: statement_1 // val_2: statement_2 // ... val_n: statement_n // endcase // The first statement_i such that expr == val_i is executed. // Now if expr is 1'b1: // case (1'b1) // cond_1: statement_1 // cond_2: statement_2 // ... cond_n: statement_n // endcase // It is *exactly the same thing*, the first statement_i such that // expr == cond_i is executed (that is, such that 1'b1 == cond_i, // in other words, such that cond_i is true) // More on this: // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15418636/case-statement-in-verilog // // [2] state uses 1-hot encoding (at any time, state has only one bit set to 1). // It uses a larger number of bits (one bit per state), but often results in // a both more compact (fewer LUTs) and faster state machine.